Road Rash is a popular motorcycle racing game created by Electronic Arts and first released in 1991 on the SEGA Genesis. Originally designed by Randall Breen, Dan Geisler and Walte...
combat racing driving motorcycle racingRoad Rash is a violent motorcycle racing video game developed and published by Electronic Arts released initially in 1991 for Sega Genesis. It was later ported to Amiga and other platforms.
3do combat racing driving motorcycle racing street racingSuper Hang-On is a motorcycle racing coin-op created by SEGA and released in 1987. It was ported to many platforms in the following years, including Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, Atari ST, and ZX Spectrum.
coin-op conversion driving motorcycle racing street racingNo Second Prize is a superbike racing sim for Amiga and Atari ST created by Thalion Software and released in 1992. Designed by Erik Simon, the game features fast 3D graphics based ...
3d atari st motorcycle polygons racing track racing vehicle simulatorHarley-Davidson: The Road to Sturgis is a driving game officially licensed by Harley Davidson. The game was developed by Incredible Technologies and published by Mindscape in 1990 for PC, then ported to Amiga and Atari ST.
driving licensed motorcycle racing street racing vehicle simulator