
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Saint & Greavsie WHDLoad Pack

Game Title:

Saint & Greavsie

Size:164476 bytes
Updated:2017-02-25 23:49:42
Saint & Greavsie


Short: HD-Installer for Saint & Greavsie V1.0 Author: Codetapper/Action (, ICQ: 26051687 Uploader: Codetapper/Action ( Version: 1.0 Type: game/patch This patch applies to "Saint & Greavsie" (c) 1989 Core Design Ltd/Grandslam - 1 disk. Thanks to Carlo Pirri for sending the original! REQUIREMENTS: - Requires a registered WHDLoad keyfile - Slave requires WHDLoad V13+ - Game requires 512k chip mem (+300k other memory for preload option) FEATURES: - Full load from HD - Main file can be compressed to save space (FImp, Propack etc) - RomIcon, NewIcon and OS3.5 Colour Icon (created by me!) and an OS3.5 boxicon (created by Captain^HIT!) - Quit option (default key is 'F10') If you compress the main game file you will only need 160k to preload the entire game. The original has no protection so any version on the internet should work with this installer. The only slightly interesting thing in this game is this hidden message from the programmer: This game is dedicated with love 2 Jayne, the lady I marry 2morrow - Simon Phipps 02/06/1989.U must be hacking 2 find this - All the best 2 U 4 the future. P.S. This game was started 15/02/89 - this is the last (?) time I change it - 30/08/89 ( and married life is great! ) Greetings to Carlo, Captain^HIT, Wepl, all Action and HOL members and the entire WHDLoad team! Codetapper/Action (07-May-2004) Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs: ________ ________ ________ ____ ________ ________ _) \_) \_) \_) \_) \_) \ __ ___ /___/ / /_____/\ / / / / / / / /_//__// \___ / / /CT\/ / / / / / / /___/ /___ / / /_____/___ /___/ /___ __ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____//__//_/ Visit the Action website for more of our productions:

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