
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Hybris WHDLoad Pack

Game Title:
Size:650207 bytes
Updated:2021-04-18 02:07:00


That patch applies to Hybris (c) 1988 Discovery International. This install has the slave-version 2.4 and the imager-version 1.2. That install needs WHDLoad 17.2 and RawDIC 4.6 or higher in the path (eg in c:). Fixed: Protection prevented the program from running on 68020+. Removed. Some dbf-delays replaced. Access fault. Keyboard interrupt and internal keyboard handling. Sound problems on some cpu boards. Default quitkey is numerical *. Change it with the QUITKEY-tooltype. Cheat mode: When the demo displays the highscores type COMMANDER. Now you can toggle invulnerability with F10, F9 skips to next stage, F7 lets you switch the weapon with F1-F6. Notes: The disk contains the NTSC- and PAL-version. I recommend playing the PAL-version, its easier and has a bigger screen to maneuvre. The NTSC-version is just that senseless hard like other 08/15- shoot-em-ups. Once you used the cheatmode the game wont save highscores this run-time anymore. The imager is a bit slow, so be patient. There were reported still problems with the NTSC-version. Just play the PAL version meanwhile. History: V2.4 (17.04.2021) done by Psygore - CD³² joypad routine updated (no more 2nd button fire issues) - some another blitter waits inserted - CUSTOM4 used to set up display screen mode (auto/pal/ntsc) - RawDIC imager supports another disk and hiscores (ipf doesn't have a hiscore track, just skip the track 79 if it is missing) - better slow down in game under WinUAE - new install script V2.3 (01.12.2013) done by Psygore - requires at least WHDLoad 17.2 - diskimage will not be created while the installation process (thanks to Wepl for reporting the issue) - set CUSTOM3=1 to not to add the blitter waits (only to use it on 68000/7MHz or on a slow chipmem access machine i.e. BlizzardPPC to avoid the game speed slowdown) V2.2 (10.03.2013) done by Psygore - RawDIC used for creating files (game must be reinstalled) - stack and decruncher relocated in fastmem - CD³² joypad supported - set CUSTOM2=1 to activate cheatmode ('COMMANDER') - BoxIcons, Chris and Frank icons added - new install script V2.1 (15.03.2008) done by JOTD - support for NTSC version restored - smart bomb can be triggered using second joystick button V2.0 (19.06.2007) done by JOTD - blitter waits added - added CUSTOM1=1 tooltype to slow game down (on WinUAE) - source code included V1.11 - 07.07.2002 Sound fixed. V1.00 - 20.01.1998 Imager improved. V0.99 - 12.01.1998 Imager error handling bug fixed. V0.98 - 08.01.1998 Initial version. Thanks to Psygore for the hint regarding the sound problem. The install is tested with 2 MB on an A1200, and on an 18 MB 68030. CD³² joypad controls: in main screen Blue - game menu settings (Space Bar) ingame Blue - smart bomb (Space Bar) Green - expand the ship (Return) Yellow - music on/off (M) Reverse - sound on/off (S), exit when game pause is set (Esc) Play - game pause (P) Reverse+Red+Blue - toggle on/off invulneralibity (cheatmode on) Forward - select weapons (cheatmode on) Red+Blue+Green - skip level (cheatmode on) Reverse+Forward+Play - quit game (pressed at least 1 sec.) Since my installs are freeware, and although i try to make them as reliable as possible, you use them wholly on your own risk. Full whdload package: aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha Other installs: Have fun, Harry.