File: | FastFood_v1.0_DizzyCollection.lha |
Game Title: | Fast Food |
Size: | 241818 bytes |
Updated: | 2017-02-22 21:13:08 |
Version: | 1.0 |
Hardware: | ECS/OCS |
Download |
TITLE FastFoodWHD release 1.00 DESCRIPTION This is release 1.00 of a hard drive installation package for the Code Masters' game "Fast Food". REQUIREMENTS Requires an original copy of the game. Two versions are supported: - CAPSID 1947: Original release - CAPSID 1348: Dizzy Collection compilation release Requires version 44.10 or later of the standard Amiga "Installer" program or a compatible equivalent. Requires version 16.0 or later of the WHDLoad package by Bert Jahn. WHDLoad is available from: Please consider registering WHDLoad to help support future development of hard drive installers for your favourite Amiga games! INSTALLING THE GAME Extract all files in the product archive to your system. Double click on the "Install" icon present in the extraction directory and follow the instructions given by the Installer program. The game will be installed to a directory you select on your hard drive. You will be alerted if installation fails for any reason, please contact the author if this happens. PLAYING THE GAME Open the game drawer created during installation and click on the "FastFood" icon. The game will then start. The following keys may be used while the game is running: F10 = quit game and return to Workbench Registered WHDLoad users have the following additional features: - high scores are saved to hard disk - the CUSTOM1 tooltype may be used to activate cheats in the game CUSTOM1 = 1 to activate infinite lives CUSTOM1 = 2 to activate invulnerability BUGS/CAVEATS This product is provided "as is" and is used at your own risk. The author is not liable for any loss or damage caused by the use or misuse of this product. When running the installer it is advisable to disable any virus checking or debugging software you may have running. AUTHOR John Girvin E-Mail: WWW: ICQ: 15651883 DONATIONS: PayPal: NoChex: HISTORY 1.00 01/2005 - first version - two versions of the game are supported - copy protection removed - keyboard timing fixed - blitter waits added - cpu dependent loops fixed - audio hardware access errors fixed - non existent memory access errors fixed - decrunchers moved to fast memory - high score saving added - trainers added LICENCE This product is copyrighted freeware. No payment is required to use this product, although donations will be welcomed! Send donations via PayPal or NoChex to Thanks! © 2005 Halibut Software. No modifications may be made to any files or data that comprise the product without the express written consent of the author. Freely distributable, provided other licence requirements are adhered to. No charge may be made for this product except for reasonable handling and/or media costs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS "Fast Food" is © Code Masters WHDLoad is © Bert Jahn Thanks to those who supplied disk images, you know who you are. Thanks to the Action Testers team for testing and bug reports. Thanks to Bored Seal for supplying the source to his Dizzy Collection slave for comparison. Hope you're enjoying PC land! ;================================================================================ ;$VER: FastFoodWHD ReadMe 1.00 © 2005 Halibut Software ;================================================================================