File: | F117ANightHawk_v1.01_1209.lha |
Game Title: | |
Size: | 1953021 bytes |
Updated: | 2018-11-24 02:53:32 |
Version: | 1.01 |
Hardware: | ECS/OCS |
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THIS PACKAGE COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO USE, RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PACKAGE IS ASSUMED BY YOU AND IF THE PACKAGE SHOULD PROVE TO BE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR OTHER REMEDIATION. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, CAN THE AUTHOR BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED IN ANY USUAL, SPECIAL, OR ACCIDENTAL WAY, ALSO IF THE OWNER OR A THIRD PARTY HAS BEEN POINTED AT SUCH POSSIBILITIES OF DAMAGE. This install applies to "F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0" © 1993 Microprose. Requirements: ------------- This install requires WHDLoad to be in the path. This program can be found in the WHDLoad package. To install from a different drive than DF0: select installation mode Expert. The installed game requires 0.5 MB ChipMem and 0.5 MB OtherMem. (+2.4 MB for preload and Kickstart ROM) It can be quit by pressing Del (key can be changed with Tooltype "QuitKey="). Features: --------- - Full load from HD - Protection removed (manual check) - Interrupts fixed for 68040/60 - Access fault fixed - Decrunchers (Bytekiller) relocated to fast memory - Uninitialised copperlist2 fixed - Intro can be skipped with CUSTOM1 - Documents (manual, keyboard controls) included - 4 NewIcons (all created by me) - Source code included as usual - Quit option that works on 68000 machines (default key is 'Del') Here it finally is, the patch for the updated version of F-19 Stealth Fighter [a game which brings back some nice memories as I bought it during my Summer holidays in Denmark back in 1990 :)]. Very good game with some excellent and fast vector routines, the coders clearly knew their craft! The game code is 100% assembly which is not too common when it comes to flight simulations on the Amiga and thus deserves a special mention. The code even took care of a relocated VBR register, something not too common for a 1993 game either! The non-time-critical parts (frontend and intro) have been coded in C and assembly. I only had to fix the interrupts for 68040/060 machines and an access fault which happened when the 'u' key was pressed, everything else was fine! Protection was a manual check which I have completely disabled so you won't ever see it. It was, as in most Microprose games, a very simple protection which could be removed in about 1 minute (30 seconds of that minute were needed to disassemble the code). I do, however, like how the copy protection was implemented, if the answer was incorrect it was still possible to play the game but only in training mode, nice "try before you buy" idea! The manual is very good too (yes, I do own an original of this game!) and contains lot of interesting background information. The game uses bytekiller crunched data files, I have relocated the decrunchers to fast memory and added an error check, if decrunching fails WHDLoad will quit with an appropriate error message. I have also added an option to skip the (very nice!) intro, you can enable it with CUSTOM1. There are also some amusing things in the code such as: - "Gunship 2000" string (save the environment, recycle your code) - "VertB-example" as name for the vertical blank interrupt in the intro - "hurrah" string in the intro Well, that about wraps it up, enjoy this very nice flight simulator from HD, it still is fun to play 20 years after its release. Sting, 23-Apr-2013 Greetings to all in Scarab and Scoopex, the WHDLoad team, PMC, Musashi5150, Skan, Slummy, Loaderror, Frequent, Wayne Kerr, Mr.Spiv, Alpha One, CFou!, Paradroid and all the other usual suspects. :) Special greetings to all Golf MK1 fans worldwide except those lowlifes who "borrowed" my MK1 for a joyride! Extra greetings to the usual suspects on #amigascne, see you all at Revision 2014! :) History: -------- version 1.01 (25.07.2016) - writes to Beamcon0 ($dff1dc) disabled - problem with uninitialised copperlist2 fixed - decruncher slightly optimised version 1.00 (23.04.2013) done by StingRay: - initial release - supports SPS 1209 version - source code included Contact: -------- If you have problems with this installation please try and get a newer version of this package from the WHDLoad WWW-Page. If that doesn't help try some Tooltypes like NOCACHE, NOAUTOVEC, EXPCHIP, NOMMU, PAL or NTSC. If that also fails, please inform the author via the Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed on the WHDLoad WWW-Page. For the full WHDLoad package, other installs and updates refer to: or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#? and aminet:game/patch/