File: | ChaosEngine2_v2.6_0172.lha |
Game Title: | The Chaos Engine 2 |
Size: | 2604038 bytes |
Updated: | 2020-05-10 17:58:44 |
Version: | 2.6 |
Hardware: | ECS/OCS |
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THIS PACKAGE COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO USE, RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PACKAGE IS ASSUMED BY YOU AND IF THE PACKAGE SHOULD PROVE TO BE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR OTHER REMEDIATION. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, CAN THE AUTHOR BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED IN ANY USUAL, SPECIAL, OR ACCIDENTAL WAY, ALSO IF THE OWNER OR A THIRD PARTY HAS BEEN POINTED AT SUCH POSSIBILITIES OF DAMAGE. That install applies to : "The Chaos Engine 2 AGA/ECS" © 1996 The Bitmap Brothers - 3 disks Slave requires WHDLoad V17+. ECS version needs 0.5Mb Of Chipmem & 3.5Mb of Fastmem (for preload option) AGA version needs 2Mb Of Chipmem & 3Mb of Fastmem (for preload option) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 2.6 (09.05.2020): - Moved joypad detection at startup to avoid freezes on some configurations (issue #0004538) version 2.5 (20.04.2020): - Added 1MB chip ECS version (issue #0004525) version 2.4 (18.04.2020) done by JOTD: - fixed non-working AGA version in 2.3 (issue #0004509, #0004507) - added CD32 controls for ECS version too (issue #0004498) - swapped retry/quit joypad buttons (green is left, so is retry) - add blue/second button to switch secondary weapons (untested) version 2.3 (15.04.2020) done by JOTD: - ECS version 512k chip (issue #0004467) - CUSTOM option (enter password) adapted for ECS version too - AGA version pause/unpause better fix Version 2.2 (01.05.2019) done by JOTD: - CD32 controls added (AGA version) - removed constant INTENA write in VBL interrupt (AGA version) Version 2.1 (16.04.2017) done by JOTD: - Another access fault fixed in the AGA version (issue #0002266) - Set CUSTOM1 to disable 2nd joystick which goes berzerk when a mouse is plugged (added to ECS version) - Quitkey added for 68000 owners (ECS version) Version 2.0 (06.04.2017) done by JOTD: - Another access fault fixed in the AGA version - CUSTOM=<14-char code> option added to avoid entering the code again (AGA version) - Set CUSTOM1 to disable 2nd joystick which goes berzerk when a mouse is plugged (AGA version) - source code included (including resourced slave from MiCK who didn't provide the code, so it may be messy) Pre V2.0 features (done by MiCK) - Full Loading from HD - Quit Option (F10 is default key) - Cool Icons (created by Frank) - AGA/ECS versions supported - RNC disk protection removed - One access fault fixed - Decrunch routine relocated in fastmem - Trainer included (Thanks to Ferox/Hellfire) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CD32 CONTROLS (AGA version) --------------------------- Player 1 joypad only: - Reverse+Forward: ESC (R/Q menu) - Green: Retry - Yellow: Quit - Play: Pause -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INGAME KEYS ----------- F1..........Toggle unlimited lives F6..........Refill lives F2..........Toggle unlimited energy F7..........Refill energy F3..........Toggle unlimited bullets F8..........Refill bullets F4..........Toggle unlimited magazins F9..........Refill magazins HELP........Skip level DEL.........Skip to end boss If you press a key withoutplayer one's state is modified, If is pressed player two's state is modified. If you press + the level is skipped and player two wins. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL CODES ----------- Team: Brigand & Navvie Medieval: 40M3H#WBFJJQJL Aztec: 48TDLPN841N60V Chaos: YLFNMJB#7BR104 (thanks to Popocop@eab for the codes) NOTE ---- About the trainer : When you skip levels using key, until the world's boss, kill him ! or music will be wrong for next levels. About the game : In the one-player-match, the second player is your enemy. Remove your mouse from joy-port1 or the program gets confused (unless CUSTOM1 is set) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to : - Bored Seal for AGA original disk images. - Helmut Motzkau for ECS original disk images. for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to: or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#? and aminet:game/patch/ MiCK & JOTD Note: - if the installed ECS slave doesn't work, use the 1MB chip version or the EXPCHIP tooltype.