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S.T.U.N. Runner WHDLoad Pack

Nome del Gioco:

S.T.U.N. Runner

Dimensione:352985 bytes
Aggiornato:2017-02-26 03:59:42
S.T.U.N. Runner


Short : HD-Installer for STUN Runner - (C) Domark Type : game/patch Author: Galahad / Fairlight (GLDFLT@AOL.COM) This install applies to "STUN Runner" © 1992 Domark. Slave requires WHDLoad V13+. Game needs 0.5 MB Of Chipmem & 1.5MB of Fastmem (for preload option and reloc) SUPPORTED VERSIONS ------------------ - ALL Versions FEATURES -------- - Full Loading from HD (REAL FILES) - Lame-o-Protect removed (RNC Copylock) - Blit wait opcodes fixed - Game code relocated to Fast ram for extra speed - Stackpointer relocated to Fast ram for extra speed - All files may be compressed with FImp or RNC Propack - Quit Option (DEL key) Thanks to Karpow/Scoopex for the image! EXTRA NOTES ----------- Here is the lamentable STUN Runner by Domark. Absolutely rubbished by Amiga Power when it was first released, it was quite simply a game beyond the abilities of an Amiga A5oo and its programmers! Having said that, I decided to try and make it quicker.... and the good news is.. I have! All JSR/JMP instructions have been relocated as has the game code, I could probably have gone a step further of relocating lots of LEA/PEA/MOVE instructions, but then you run into complications with hard coded tables that are used for offsets, the speed however, is much better than it was originally. There is one tiny bug left as a result of the speed increase, and that is when you decide which level you wish to play from, there wont be a flashing box to tell you which selection you made, but, the picture of the map you have to go through does change, thus telling you which level you are playing, so its livable bearing in mind that the game is now a lot quicker!.... some bug! :) Kindest Regards, Galahad of Fairlight END.

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