File: | RocketRanger_v1.5b_NTSC.lha |
Nome del Gioco: | |
Dimensione: | 1137910 bytes |
Aggiornato: | 2015-01-07 18:41:38 |
Version: | 1.5b |
Hardware: | ECS/OCS |
Scarica |
THIS PACKAGE COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO USE, RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PACKAGE IS ASSUMED BY YOU AND IF THE PACKAGE SHOULD PROVE TO BE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR OTHER REMEDIATION. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, CAN THE AUTHOR BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED IN ANY USUAL, SPECIAL, OR ACCIDENTAL WAY, ALSO IF THE OWNER OR A THIRD PARTY HAS BEEN POINTED AT SUCH POSSIBILITIES OF DAMAGE. This install applies to "Rocket Ranger" © 1987-1990 Cinemaware. This install requires WHDLoad to be in the path. It can be found in the WHDLoad package. The installed program requires 0.5 MB ChipMem and 0.5 MB OtherMem. It can be quit by pressing num '*' (key can be changed with Tooltype "QuitKey="). The game requires an installed A500 Kickstart 1.3 image. The kickstart image must be located in the directory "Devs:Kickstarts" and must be named "kick34005.A500". The image can be extracted from a A500 with tools like 'GrabKick' or similar which can be found on aminet. If the image is of wrong version or altered in any way WHDLoad will quit with an appropriate requester. Additionally the file "kick34005.A500.RTB" must be installed in the same directory as the kickstart image. It can be found in the archive "util/boot/skick346.lha" on aminet. If you have problems with this installation please try and get a newer version of this package from the WHDLoad WWW-Page. If that doesn't help try some Tooltypes like NOCACHE, NOAUTOVEC, NOVBRMOVE, NOMMU, PAL or NTSC. If that also fails, please inform the author via the Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed on the WHDLoad WWW-Page. For the full WHDLoad package, other installs and updates refer to: or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#? and aminet:game/patch/ version 1.5-B (03.01.2008) - fixed fuel code display (again) - reassembled with new kickemu version 1.5 (19.11.2007) done by JOTD - fixed install script - removed garbage in fuel code display version 1.4 (21.08.2005) done by JOTD - reassembled slave to avoid "Privilege violation" problems - reworked readme - source code included version 1.3 (2002) - better TAB key: more stable. Hardcoded no cache in fast memory version 1.2 - added TAB key for codes display version 1.1-B - added other codes, fixed slave version 1.1 - adapted for another version (the one with EndCLI in startup-sequence) version 1.0 (1999 ?) done by JOTD: - initial release - 2 sets of codes included (thanks Angus for providing them) - 3 versions supported - TAB key allows on-screen codes display - Nice icons by Frank / Exoticons Old notes from JOTD: Bert improved kick13 interface and it can run .adf files almost like UAE does (but still some problems, though). With Rocket Ranger, the system works 100%, so all work is from Bert, but I created the install script, and I was working on a version before Bert supported DOS with disk images, so I tested it with it and it worked. I just added the TAB key to display fuel codes. Note that there are 2 different fuel code sheets, depending on the version (1987 or 1990)