
Retrogaming, abandonware, freeware e giochi gratis per PC e Mac


Red Zone WHDLoad Pack

Nome del Gioco:

Red Zone

Dimensione:1061002 bytes
Aggiornato:2022-05-20 18:52:00
Red Zone


THIS PACKAGE COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO USE, RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PACKAGE IS ASSUMED BY YOU AND IF THE PACKAGE SHOULD PROVE TO BE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR OTHER REMEDIATION. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, CAN THE AUTHOR BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED IN ANY USUAL, SPECIAL, OR ACCIDENTAL WAY, ALSO IF THE OWNER OR A THIRD PARTY HAS BEEN POINTED AT SUCH POSSIBILITIES OF DAMAGE. This install applies to "Red Zone" © 1992 Psygnosis This install requires WHDLoad and RawDIC to be in the path. Both can be found in the WHDLoad package. To install from a different drive than DF0: select installation mode Expert. The installed program requires 0.5 MB ChipMem and 0.5 MB OtherMem. It can be quit by pressing num '*' (key can be changed with Tooltype "QuitKey="). If you have problems with this installation please try and get a newer version of this package from the WHDLoad WWW-Page. If that doesn't help try some Tooltypes like NOCACHE, NOAUTOVEC, NOVBRMOVE, NOMMU, PAL or NTSC. If that also fails, please inform the author via the Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed on the WHDLoad WWW-Page. For the full WHDLoad package, other installs and updates refer to: or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#? and aminet:game/patch/ version 3.1 (18.05.2022) done by JOTD: - fixed access fault when finishing a lap (hopefully) - crash on replay (because it was still missing relocs...) - added option for cheat keys (only for new exe) - caution: make sure you upgrate "fast_object" in the data directory, version provided in 3.0 still has bugs version 3.0 (13.05.2022) done by JOTD: - executable rebuilt/fixed for much better framerate on machines equipped with fast memory. Use CUSTOM2 to disable and play with original buggy & slow executable - CUSTOM4 bits skips/shortens introduction - set CUSTOM1 for no damage - option to enable high detail - chipmem reduced to 512kb version 2.0 (05.05.2005) done by JOTD: - rest of SMC fixed to work with instruction cache (better framerate) - RawDIC imager (use new RawDIC 4.0), direct wwp/ipf support - reworked install & readme - source code included - NTSC version supported version 1.0 (2001) done by JOTD: - initial release - 2 access faults removed - Self-modifing code fixed - Uses WHDLoad (or JST with WHDLoad emulation) - Convenient installer script - Quit with QUITKEY at anytime - Doc file included - Nice icons by Frank and Bored Seal cheat keys: - S: skip qualification, proceed to race - K: kill player - E: erase player damage thanks: - Bored Seal for providing me WARPS of this game (through Angus, I believe) - Angus for extensive testing and support for everything 3D :) - All the WHDLoad team for interesting discussions and support - Bert for fixing the SMC detection in WHDLoad notes: - This game is lame, slow, jerky, detects 68020+ CPU but on the other hand uses a lot of self modifying code, and runs in chipmem only: worst configuration for a 3D game !!! Shame on the coders. - Needs RawDIC v4.0 - Fortunately, after 17 years of stalled project & failures, I restarted working on relocating the executable to use fast memory and that time it worked, and improves the game greatly. Also most self-modifying code is fixed to be able to use caches properly on high-end machines. Source code of the new executable can be found at - To upgrade from a previous installation, just copy "fast_object" to "data" directory. You can delete "object" too to save a few Kbs if you don't plan to play with the original executable. - There are still bugs, I believe they are original. The worst is the "ability" to get stuck in walls even with the direction keys.

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