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Magnatron WHDLoad Pack

Nome del Gioco:


Dimensione:376155 bytes
Aggiornato:2017-02-24 17:37:02


Short: HD Installer for Magnatron v1.2 Author: DJ Mike (, ICQ: 35028461 Uploader: DJ Mike ( Version: 1.2 Type: game/patch Requires: WHDLoad 15, 512k chip mem This patch applies to "Magnatron" © BSP Design. SUPPORTED RELEASES: - Disk version - Available from Back 2 The Roots -- or -- ATTENTION! REGISTER NOW! - WHDLoad is kept alive through the support of its users! - If you value this software then PLEASE REGISTER at REQUIREMENTS: - Slave requires WHDLoad V15+. - Game requires 512k chip mem (+749k other memory for preload option) FEATURES: - Loads fully from HD - Unnecessary ExecBase calls removed - Empty DBF loops corrected - Blitter waits inserted (x5) - Illegal accesses removed (thanks for the alert CodeTapper!) - Music player fixed for 060 machines (byte write to audio registers) - Skip through all intro screens with joystick fire button - Hold down fire button while slave is starting up to skip the intro entirely - Infinite energy trainer added - set CUSTOM1=1 to activate - Quit to Workbench at any time (default key F10) - OS35/NewIcon by myself, MagicWB icon by Akira SUPPORT: - Donations towards my own work writing installs are always appreciated. I may even send you a beta of what I'm working on next :-) - Donate by Paypal to: HISTORY: - v1.0 (28.06.2002) - First release - v1.1 (04.08.2002) - Blitter waits inserted x5 - v1.2 (10.09.2006) - Music player fixed for 060 machines - Holding down fire button while slave is starting up skips intro entirely - Infinite energy trainer added - set CUSTOM1=1 to activate - Updated icons A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR: I'm DJ Mike, otherwise known as Michael Griffin. Having been a long-time fan of the Amiga, and a great fan of all these WHDLoad installs being created, I wanted to try doing some coding for myself. Of course, going from having little knowledge of Amiga assembly to enough knowledge to patch any kind of game takes a very long time. So hopefully you'll see my progress reflected in the installs I created with time! It turns out that while this was my first coded install, it has become my third release ;-) "Galaxy Blast" and "Rat Trap" (my 2nd and 3rd installs) made it out before this one - ah well! Many thanks to CodeTapper, who has been kind enough to lend his time in tutoring me on aspects of WHDLoad patching :-) Since I've become very serious about patching, I'm upgrading my A1200 with a Blizzard 1230/50 accelerator and 32MB of memory, since future installs will need me to check for any MMU-related problems. This time around, thanks must go to CodeTapper for alerting me to several access faults in Magnatron's main game code. Stupid access faults moreover (removing them did sod all to the game, as far as I can tell anyway). Comments are appreciated, as are bug reports - I'll never learn unless I'm told! As time goes by you'll be seeing more installs from me :-) Greetings to Wepl and the rest of the WHDLoad team - great work, guys! -- DJ Mike (22nd July 2002) Bug report form, full WHDLoad package and other installs:

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