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Aggiornato:2014-07-03 16:56:38


Short : HD-Installer for Lionheart Demo Type : game/patch Author : Psygore ( That install applies to "Lionheart Demo" © 1993 Thalion It supports Génération 4 coverdisk #52A (fev.93) and The One #50B (nov.92) It requires: - WHDLoad 17+ - 512 Kb ChipMem and 856 Kb OtherMem (+560 Kb OtherMem for preload option) Version 1.2 (03.07.2014) by Psygore: - OS functions patched (doesn't need Osemu.exe anymore) - Some smc fixed, it runs with all caches enabled now - CD³² joypad buttons supported (2-button enabled by default) - A slave (512K ChipMem/512K OtherMem) for low memory system (1.5 MB) is provided into this package, only Gen4 coverdisk #52A is supported - Colorbits fixed - Trainers added - Set Custom4=1 to enable up joystick direction when 2nd button is used - 'Lionheart' file can be packed as data with Propack/FImp/CrunchMania - Install script updated Version 1.1 (09.12.2002) by Psygore: - Supports different version (thanks to Alexander Holland) Version 1.0 (25.07.2002) by Psygore: - Nice icons and Exoticon ( included - Osemu.exe used - Color bit fixed - IMP files decrunched via WHDLoad - Quit with F10 For trainers, set: - Custom1=1 for invincibility - Custom2=1 for unlimited lives - Custom3=1 for maximum energy Cheatcode: Pull down on the joystick then press 'P' to pause the game while still in the crounched position. Next press 'DEL' (x3) and press 'HELP' (x3). The ground will shake when it done with success. This will give you infinite lives. You can remove this cheat by doing the same operation. Keys: I - background color interlace mode on/off P - pause D - die M - music on/off RETURN - shake the ground HELP - toogle 1/2-button joystick CD³² joypad buttons: Red - draw the sword Blue - jump Green - horizontal thrust of the sword to the left Yellow - horizontal thrust of the sword to the right Forward - sword thrusts upwards at an angle Play - pause Reverse+Forward+Play - quit game (pressed at least 1 sec.) Note: The One coverdisk doesn't support all keys, only 'I' and 'HELP', unlimited lives are set by default. If you run the game on a plain A1200, you should use novbrmove option to avoid gfx glitch in background. If you have problems with this installation please report them via the Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via or via mail to: for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to: or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#? and aminet:game/patch/ _________________________________ --- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___) ¬) __¬)¬__) --- -- / _/__¬\ / / /_¬\ --/ _ / __) -- - (__/(_____) /(_____) /_/ \(_____) - (___/ \__/ \__)in 07.2014