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Kristal, The WHDLoad Pack

Nome del Gioco:

Kristal, The

Dimensione:1934023 bytes
Aggiornato:2021-01-12 20:33:00
Kristal, The


Short : HD-Installer for The Kristal Type : game/patch Author : Psygore ( That install applies to "The Kristal" © 1989 Addictive It requires: - WHDLoad 17+ - 512 KB ChipMem (+3.6 MB for preload option) Version 1.3 (03.01.2021) by Psygore: - The slave 1.2 has some missing patches (spaceship gfx bug fix, blitwaits...) - Blitwait inserted, cant be disabled with CUSTOM3=1 - Some empty dbfloops patched Version 1.2 (26.12.2015) by Psygore: - Supports german version (thanks to Tweeky & Christoph Gleisberg for the diskimages) - Set CUSTOM1=1 to skip title - Set CUSTOM2=1 to skip intro - Game can be saved for unregistered users too - BoxIcons added - Install script updated Version 1.1 (30.07.2005) by Psygore: - Supports another pal version supplied by ungi and pgj Version 1.0 (22.05.2004) by Psygore: - Supports pal and ntsc version - Nice Color/NewIcon (created by me) and Exoticon included - Stack moved to fast memory - Disk protection removed - Snoop bug fixed - Load/Save savegame on HD (registered users only) - Manual & solution included - Quit with '*' (PrtSc) Note: Savegame is not compatible between pal and ntsc version. If you have problems with this installation please report them via the Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed via or via mail to: for full WHDLoad package and other installs refer to: or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#? and aminet:game/patch/ _________________________________ --- (_ __¬) __) \ ¬) ___) ¬) __¬)¬__) --- -- / _/__¬\ / / /_¬\ --/ _ / __) -- - (__/(_____) /(_____) /_/ \(_____) - (___/ \__/ \__)in 01.2021

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