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Killing Game Show, The WHDLoad Pack

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Dimensione:1491879 bytes
Aggiornato:2023-08-10 16:14:00
Killing Game Show, The


Short : HD-Installer for Killing Game Show Type : game/patch Author : Harry & Psygore ( That install applies to "Killing Game Show" (c) 1990 Psygnosis It supports pal- and ntsc- version. This install has the imager-version 1.1 and the slave-version 1.3. It needs WHDLoad v14+ and RawDIC in the path (eg in c:). Defaultkeys: Quit game with numerical *. Trainer: Key "1" toggles water rising. Key "2" toggles energy losses. Key "3" lets choose you between all stages (press this before accessing the stage-menu). IMPORTANT NOTE! If you take too long to solve a level with water-trainer, teleporters/chainholders will vanish. This results from the replay- feature which overwrites then some memory which couldnt be reached in normal mode because you would die earlier. I couldnt fix this until now. So use the watertrainer to get a general look of that level and try to solve it then with the energytrainer only. Level 1 and 8 dont contain teleporters nor chainholders. The install is tested with 2 MB on an A1200, on an 18 MB 68030 and on an 146 MB 68060. Note: Once you used the trainer the program will not save highscores this run-time anymore. History: V1.00 - 1997-dec-22 NTSC-version added. V1.01 - 2000-sep-18 CACR-modifying fixed. V1.1 by Psygore (28.01.2007) - RawDIC used to create diskimage - Slave reworked and uses 512 KB of ChipMem - Stack and decruncher relocated in FastMem - Some blitter waits inserted - Snoopbug fixed - Empty dbf loop patched (soundtracker routine) - Music is correctly played under pal/ntsc screen - 2nd fire button supported for jumping - New install script - Some icons added (created by Chris and Frank) - Manual included V1.2 by Psygore (15.12.2007) - Access fault after the intro fixed (when keyboard is pressed) - BoxIcon included V1.3 by Psygore (09.08.2023) - Colorbit fixed - Customs options added to enable trainers, disable blitter waits - Beamwait patched - Blitter operations outside chipmem patched - Install script updated Disclaimer: Although i try to make my installs as reliable as possible, you use them wholly on your own risk. Full whdload package: aminet:dev/misc/whdload#?.lha Other installs: Report bugs with the bug report form on that page. Harry in December 1997/September 2000. Psygore in January 2007, August 2023.

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