
Retrogaming, abandonware, freeware e giochi gratis per PC e Mac


Deep Core WHDLoad Pack

Nome del Gioco:

Deep Core

Dimensione:1920794 bytes
Aggiornato:2022-06-20 12:41:00
Deep Core


THIS PACKAGE COMES WITH ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO USE, RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PACKAGE IS ASSUMED BY YOU AND IF THE PACKAGE SHOULD PROVE TO BE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR OTHER REMEDIATION. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, CAN THE AUTHOR BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED IN ANY USUAL, SPECIAL, OR ACCIDENTAL WAY, ALSO IF THE OWNER OR A THIRD PARTY HAS BEEN POINTED AT SUCH POSSIBILITIES OF DAMAGE. That install applies to "Deep Core" © 1993 ICE That install requires WHDLoad and RawDIC to be in the path. Both can be found in the WHDLoad package. To install from a different drive than DF0: select Expert as installation mode. You need 1.0 MB ChipMem and 0.5 MB OtherMem. You can quit the game by pressing Help (key can be changed with Tooltype "QuitKey=") If you have problems with this installation please try and get a newer version of this package from the WHDLoad WWW-Page. If that doesn't help try some Tooltypes like NOCACHE, NOAUTOVEC, NOVBRMOVE, NOMMU, PAL or NTSC. If that also fails, please inform the author via the Bug-Report-Form which can be accessed on the WHDLoad WWW-Page or create a mantis issue directly at For the full WHDLoad package, other installs and updates refer to: or aminet:dev/misc/whdload#? and aminet:game/patch/ Features: - many checksum code removed, - nice NI/MWB icons included, Thanx to: - Chris Vella and Helmut Motzkau for original disk images, - Carlo Pirri for beta testing. Mr.Larmer/Wanted Team in 2000. version 2.0 (18.06.2022) done by JOTD: - floppy version: added quitkey for 68000 machines (menu & game, not intro) - CUSTOM2 enables jump with 2nd/blue button - floppy version: uses 512k chipmem and fastmem instead of 1MB chipmem - floppy version: unpacking done in fast memory - floppy version: added a "disable blitter fix" option - full joypad controls (green to enter doors) - trainer infinite lives & oxygen - floppy version: added highscore save - floppy version: added original function keys weapon select - floppy version: fixed access fault - added manual (thanks to Hexae) version 1.2 (2009) (unreleased) done by Wepl: - blithog reenabled #2078 - blitter routine (_b2/3) made faster - no longer requires registered whdload - blitter routine (_b2/3) not patched on 68020 and below - cpu/video flags init fixed - intro sound finally fixed (issue #000371, issue #0002447) - supported CD32 version (issue #0000454) version 1.1 (18.08.2000) done by Wepl: - many blitwaits inserted, two blitter routines rewritten - all accesses to aga register removed - all blithog's removed - all missing color bits set - some copperlists fixed - cacr access removed - should work now on 040/060 note: extremely bad code style this game! joypad controls: - red: fire - blue: jump/elevator up (if option is set) - green: enter door (red+blue) - play: pause - reverse+forward: quit current game Passwords (from Lemon amiga): 2 REANIMATOR 3 PSYCHONAUT Type one of the following codes during game play to view various messages. johan lindahh i like fairlight j.lindahh i like dm hunterr sauroo i like atari => game over!! jenn notes from JOTD: game is highy buggy and still crashes or has glitches from time to time I'm not sure if it's fully playable, but enjoy what you can. Clearly they wanted to remake Gods in a nuclear plant or whatever: same jump, same muscles, same graphics (to some extent) same shield-like bonuses, bouncing sound for bonuses... Except that Gods is way better and less buggy too.

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