Ninja Spirit, known in Japan as Saigo no Nindou, is an arcade game created by Irem in 1988. Two years later, the home computer versions were released, including the Amiga version, the Atari ST one, Commodore 64, and more.
brawler coin-op conversion japan ninja progressive beat-em-up side-scrollingBetrayal is a medieval strategy game created by Rainbird for Amiga and released in 1990. It was also ported to Commodore 64, Atari ST and MS-DOS..
amiga original game history hotseat isometric management medieval multiplayer strategy warCrystals of Arborea is a medieval fantasy role-playing game created by the French studio Silmarils. It was published in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, and DOS. It is the precursor t...
Year: 1990 Genre: Role Playing
dungeon crawler fantasy medieval party-based rpg sword and sorcery turn-based rpgAtomic Robo-Kid is an action shooter developed and published by UPL Co. in 1988, initially as an arcade. In 1990 it was ported to several other platforms, including the Amiga, Commodore 64, and others.
arcade coin-op conversion multi-scrolling shooter science fiction shooterJohn Madden Football is a highly realistic American football simulation developed by Park Place Production and published by Electronic Arts. it was released in 1990 for the Mega Drive/Genesis and in 1992 for Amiga.
2 players american football birds-eye view licensed sportsOver the Net is a beach volleyball game developed by Dardari Bros and published by Genias in 1990 for the Amiga. It was ported for DOS and Commodore 64 in 1991. The game features s...
2 players amiga original game beach volley multiplayer sports volleyballTower of Babel is a 3D puzzle game created by Pete Cooke initially in 1989 for Atari ST and ported to Amiga and Acorn 32-bit in 1990. The game was published by Rainbird Software. V...
3d atari st polygons puzzle strategy puzzler vector graphicsMUSHA, also known as Musha Aleste, is a vertically scrolling shooter created by Compile for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive and released in 1990. The full title is M.U.S.H.A.: Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor.
genesis original game japan mecha shooter top-down v-scrolling shoot-em up vertical-scrollingBattle Chess II: Chinese Chess is a strategy game that was developed by Interplay and published by Electronic Arts in 1990 for the Amiga and MS-DOS. The beginning of chess can be t...
3d board game chess strategyNARC is an arcade created by Williams Electronics in 1988. It was converted to several home platforms, including Amiga, Atari ST, and Commodore 64, in 1990 by Ocean. It supports a two-player mode.
2 players arcade co-op coin-op conversion crime & punishment shooter side-scrolling walkaboutIvanhoe is a medieval side-scrolling beat-em-up created by Ocean in 1990 for Atari ST and Amiga. The game is based on the medieval legend of Sir Ivanhoe, a knight who fights to restore King Richard the Lionheart to the throne.
brawler cartoon hack and slash medieval progressive beat-em-up side-scrollingAstro Marine Corps (or simply A.M.C.) is a horizontal scrolling shoot-em-up created by the Spanish studio Creepsoft/Dinamic Software. Released originally for the Amstrad CPC and ot...
aliens msx platform-shooter run and gun side-scrollingMight and Magic II: Gates to Another World is the sequel to the original Might and Magic published by New World Computing in 1988. It was released for the Apple II and MS-DOS. Du...
Year: 1990 Genre: Role Playing
dungeon crawler fantasy party-based rpg sword and sorcery turn-based rpgKlax is a puzzle game created by Atari Games and published in 1990 for arcades and home computers. The object is to catch assorted color-falling tiles and create rows, columns, or diagonals of a single color.
2 players arcade coin-op conversion falling block puzzle puzzle strategy puzzler real-time