Knightmare, known in Japanese as Majyo Densetsu, is a fantasy vertical shoot-em-up created by Konami for MSX computers in 1986. In this game, you are Popolon, and your task is to save Aphrodite from the Prince of Darkness.
2 players co-op fantasy msx shooter top-down v-scrolling shoot-em upSilent Service is a warfare submarine simulator designed by legendary Canadian video game creator Sid Meier. MicroProse, the company co-founded by Sid Meier - known for the acclaim...
Year: 1986 Genre: Simulation
history military naval simulation submarine vehicular combat simulator war ww2Marble Madness is an arcade created by Atari Games and published initially in 1984. You have to guide a rolling ball (a marble) down your path, viewed from an isometric perspective, avoiding obstacles and enemies.
2 players arcade coin-op conversion isometric rolling ballGradius is a horizontally scrolling shoot 'em up developed and published by Konami, initially in 1985 as an arcade. The game was ported to MSX and NES in 1986 and released outside Japan with the name "Nemesis.
arcade coin-op conversion science fiction shooter side-scrollingDeja Vu: A Nightmare Comes True is a point-and-click mystery game developed by ICOM Simulations and published by Mindscape. The title was released initially for the Apple Macintosh...
adventure clicker detective graphic adventure macintosh original game mystery north americaThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a text adventure by Infocom, based on the famous novel by Douglas Adams. The book, a comedy science fiction genre masterpiece, was written in 1979.
adventure freeware interactive fiction licensed novel science fiction text adventureDefender of the Crown is a strategy game designed by Kellyn Beck and it's one of the first and most influential Amiga games. It was Cinemaware's first game, and was originally rele...
amiga original game europe fantasy historical battle history map-based historical medieval mythology robin hood strategy