In the year of 1989, Titus Interactive released the sequel to the original Fire and Forget, a racing-shooting game. Fire & Forget II: The Death Convoy was released initially as a...
coin-op conversion driving parallax scrolling racing science fiction vehicular combat simulatorF-15 Strike Eagle is a combat flight simulator first released in 1985 by MicroProse for the Commodore 64 and Apple II. The game was designed and developed by Sid Meier, the creator of Sid Meier's Civilization.
Year: 1985 Genre: Simulation
aviation combat flight simulation flight sim simulation vehicular combat simulator vietnamHi-Octane is a racing/vehicular combat game developed by Bullfrog and released in 1995 for the PC, PlayStation, and Sega Saturn. The game is based on Bullfrog's Magic Carpet engine.
racing science fiction shooter vehicular combat simulatorFalcon: The F-16 Fighter Simulation is a flight-sim developed by Sphere and published by Spectrum Holobyte initially for MS-DOS and Macintosh in 1987. Two years later, it was ported to Amiga and Atari ST.
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
2 players 3d aviation combat flight simulation f-16 simulators flight sim military simulation vehicular combat simulatorRed Storm Rising is a submarine simulation game released and published by MicroProse in 1988. The game was based on Tom Clancy's novel, also named Red Storm Rising. Taking the play...
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
c64 original game naval simulation submarine vehicular combat simulator war wargameRoadkill is a violent racing sim with a top-down view created by Vision and released by Acid Software in 1994 for the Amiga CD32 and Amiga 1200. The game, written in blitz basic, a...
aga amiga cd32 amiga original game blitz basic multi-directional racing top-down vehicular combat simulatorAces of the Pacific is a World War II combat flight simulator developed by Dynamix and released by Sierra for PC MS-DOS in 1992. The game features a lot of US and Japanese aircraft.
Year: 1992 Genre: Simulation
aviation combat flight simulation flight sim historical battle history simulation vehicular combat simulator ww2Gunship is a combat flight simulator created by MicroProse Software and released initially for the Commodore 64 in 1986. Later it was ported to PC, Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Atari ST, and other platforms.
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
3d c64 original game combat flight simulation commodore 64 first-person helicopter military polygons simulation vehicular combat simulatorMechWarrior is a vehicle simulation game developed by Dynamix and published by Activision. The title was created in 1989 for DOS but was later ported to Sharp X68000 in 1992 and PC-98 home in 1993.
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
battlemech mecha science fiction simulation vehicular combat simulatorOverlander is a post-apocalyptic racing game released by Elite for 8-bit computers in 1988. In 1989, it was published for Atari ST and Amiga..
automobile disaster post-apocalyptic racing street racing vehicular combat simulatorM1 Tank Platoon is a tank simulation created by MPS Labs and released by MicroProse for the Amiga, Atari ST, and DOS in 1989. Depending on the user's choice, the game can be played...
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
military real-time simulation tank transport vehicular combat simulator warSkyfox is a sci-fi combat flight simulator created by Ray Tobey originally for the Apple II and published by Electronic Arts in 1984. The game was ported to ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, and Commodore 64, where it became a commercial hit.
Year: 1986 Genre: Simulation
apple 2 original game combat flight simulation science fiction simulation vehicular combat simulatorArcticfox is one of the first 3D games ever created for the Amiga. It puts the player in the cockpit of a futuristic tank, on an alien world covered by snow. The game, developed by...
Year: 1986 Genre: Simulation
aliens amiga original game first-person simulation tank vehicular combat simulatorTau Ceti is a mix of action, adventure, and space simulation initially developed for the ZX Spectrum by Pete Cooke in 1985. The game was also ported to Atari ST, C64, and MS-DOS. A...
3d adventure adventure-strategy science fiction space sim vehicular combat simulator zx spectrum