Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master is a hack-and-slash platformer game that was developed by Megasoft and published by Sega. It was released in 1993 for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console.
brawler genesis original game hack and slash japan martial arts ninja progressive beat-em-up side-scrollingX-Men is a videogame created by Western Technologies exclusively for the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis console and published in 1993. The title is based on the famous superheroes series by Marvel.
basher brawler genesis original game licensed side-scrolling superheroAlien Syndrome is a coin-op released by SEGA in 1986 and then ported to several home platforms. Home computer versions include Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, MSX, and ZX Spectrum.
2 players co-op coin-op conversion multi-directional shooter top-downToeJam & Earl is a comedy action-adventure created by Johnson-Voorsanger Productions for the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis in 1991. The two aliens must find the ten pieces of their broken ship, exploring several randomly generated levels.
2 players action-adventure aliens co-op genesis original game split-screenAfter Burner II (also known as After Burner SEGA) is an enhanced re-release for Commodore 64 and Amiga of the popular arcade After Burner. The official sequel of the arcade, Afte...
arcade coin-op conversion vehicular combat simulatorRistar is a classic action platformer game developed by SEGA for the Mega Drive/Genesis console in 1995. The same team behind the legendary Sonic created this cartoon-style platformer.
Year: 1995 Genre: Platformer
cartoon fantasy genesis original game platformer science fiction side-scrollingWonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap is a platformer developed by Westone and published by SEGA in 1989 for the SEGA Master System console. It's the sequel to Wonder Boy in Monster Land and the third chapter of the Wonder Boy saga.
Year: 1989 Genre: Platformer
fantasy metroidvania non-linear platformer rpg elements side-scrollingSEGA Rally Championship is a racing game originally created by SEGA as an arcade release in 1994. The game was also released in 1995 for SEGA Saturn and in 1997 for Windows. Severa...
3d automobile coin-op conversion driving game boy advance off-roading racing rallyStar Trek: The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past is a graphic adventure based on the popular TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The game was developed by Spectrum Holob...
adventure licensed science fiction space exploration spaceship star trek tv seriesThunder Force IV is a horizontal scrolling shoot-em-up created by Technosoft for the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive in 1992. For some strange reasons, it was renamed Lightening Force: Quest for the Darkstar in the U.
anime genesis original game science fiction shooter side-scrollingVirtua Racing is a 3D arcade racing game created by SEGA in 1992. Due to its fantastic success, the game was also ported to the SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis, thanks to an additional chip (SVP) added to the cartridge.
3d coin-op conversion polygons racing track racingDungeon & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun is an RPG created for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive by Westwood Associated and released in 1992. The game designed by Louis J. Castle i...
Year: 1992 Genre: Role Playing
d&d fantasy genesis original game licensed party-based rpg turn-based rpgThunder Blade is an arcade released by Sega originally in 1987. The player controls a helicopter, the Gunship Gladiator, and must destroy all enemies using guns and missiles and defeat the dictator.
arcade coin-op conversion helicopter shooterGunstar Heroes is a run and gun game developed by Treasure for the Genesis/Mega Drive and published by Sega in 1993. The side-scrolling shooter has become one of Sega Genesis's most beloved games.
2 players anime co-op genesis original game platform-shooter run and gun science fiction shooter side-scrolling