Batman: The Movie (or, more simply, Batman) is an action game based on the 1989 Batman film directed by Tim Burton. Developed by Ocean Software, it was released in 1989 for the Ami...
action-adventure comics licensed movies multi-type platformer superheroBatman: The Caped Crusader is a videogame inspired by the DC Comics comic book. It was created by Special FX initially for ZX Spectrum and also ported to Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and other platforms.
2d action-adventure comics licensed platformer side-scrolling zx spectrumCool Spot is a jump and run platformer created by Virgin Games originally for the Mega Drive/Genesis. It was then ported to Amiga, Master System, MS-DOS, SNES, and other systems. It was released in 1993.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
2d genesis original game jumper licensed multi-directional platform-shooter platformer run and gunSpy vs. Spy II: The Island Caper is a game developed by Michael J. Riedel and published by First Star Software initially in 1985 for Commodore 64. It was ported to Apple II, Atari 8-bit, and MSX in 1986.
2 players action strategy comics competitive espionage licensed puzzler split-screen spy versusIndianapolis 500: The Simulation is a racing sim created by Papyrus Design and published by Electronic Arts at the end of 1989 for PC and Amiga. The game was designed and programmed by David Kaemmer.
3d driving first-person licensed polygons racing track racingGhostbusters by Activision is a video game based on the 1984 Ghostbusters movie. It was released the same year of the film on several home computers, including Commodore 64, Apple II, and MSX.
arcade licensed movies supernaturalLorna is an action game based on the Spanish comic book character created by Alfonso Azpiri. The game was developed by Topo Soft and released in 1990 for the Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS, MSX, Amstrad CPC, and ZX Spectrum.
brawler comics cyberpunk licensed progressive beat-em-up side-scrollingThe Godfather is the official videogame of the Francis Ford Coppola film released in 1972. The game was developed by Creative Materials and published by U.S. Gold in 1992 for Amiga, Atari ST, and MS-DOS.
action-adventure crime & punishment licensed movies multi-type side-scrollingWembley International Soccer is a sports sim officially sponsored by the Wembley Stadium. It was developed by Audiogenic and released in 1994 exclusively for Amiga and Amiga CD32. ...
2 players aga amiga cd32 competitive football licensed soccer sports top-downNHL Hockey '94 is an ice hockey game developed and published by EA Sports in 1993 for the Genesis, DOS, Super NES, and Sega CD. EA Sports, a spin-off from Electronic Arts that requ...
2 players competitive hockey licensed sports top-down winter sportsStar Trek: The Next Generation - Echoes from the Past is a graphic adventure based on the popular TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The game was developed by Spectrum Holob...
adventure licensed science fiction space exploration spaceship star trek tv seriesTotal Recall is the adaptation of the science-fiction movie directed by Paul Verhoeven, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The game was released in 1990, the same year of the film, and Ocean published it.
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
licensed movies multi-type platform-shooter platformer science fiction side-scrollingPGA Tour Golf is the first game of the popular series of golf sims. It was designed and developed by Lee Actor and Dennis Koble, the founders of Sterling Silver Software, and published for MS-DOS in 1990 by Electronic Arts.
golf hotseat licensed multiplayer sports