Police Quest III: The Kindred is the third graphic adventure of the Police Quest series created by Sierra Entertainment. Unlike the predecessors, including Police Quest and Poli...
adventure crime & punishment detective graphic adventure mystery point and clickSpace Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon is the third game, and one of the most appreciated, in the Space Quest series. It was developed and published by Sierra On-Line in 1989 for Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS.
adventure comedy graphic adventure point and click science fictionBanshee is an Amiga original shoot-em-up, inspired by classic vertical scrolling shooters such as 1942: The Pacific Air War and Xevious. It was developed by Core Design and rel...
2 players aga amiga original game aviation co-op shooter steampunk v-scrolling shoot-em up vertical-scrollingMean Streets is a dystopian cyberpunk graphic adventure developed by Access Software for MS-DOS and Commodore 64 in 1989. Later, it was ported to the Atari ST and Amiga in 1990. Th...
adventure cyberpunk detective dystopia graphic adventure mystery science fictionImpossible Mission 2025 is the third game of the Impossible Mission trilogy created originally by Epyx. This final title was developed and published by MicroProse in 1994 for Amiga and Amiga CD32.
aga platformer puzzle platformer puzzler science fictionUtopia the Creation of a Nation is a strategy game. It was published by Gremlin Graphics, and developed by Celestial Software. It was released in 1991. The game was released for MS DOS, Atari ST, Amiga, and later the Nintendo NES.
business simulation management real-time science fiction sim city strategyFuture Wars: Time Travellers (known in North America as Future Wars: Adventures in Time) is the first cinematic adventure by Delphine Software. The game was created by the programm...
adventure cinematic dystopia graphic adventure point and click science fictionSpace Crusade is a computer adaptation of the 1990 Games Workshop boardgame set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. The video game was created by Gremlin Graphics and released in 199...
board game hotseat licensed multiplayer science fiction space squad management strategy top-down turn-based strategyMad TV is a television station management game developed and published by Rainbow Arts in 1991 for Amiga and MS-DOS. If someone were to tell me that Mad TV has a video game, I woul...
business simulation comedy management strategyDino Dini's Goal (also known as Goal!) is a soccer game created by the famous British game designer and programmer Dino Dini. Dini was also the author of Kick Off and Kick Off 2.
2 players birds-eye view football multiplayer soccer sports top-downIsles of Terra is the third game in the Might and Magic series. It was released initially for MS-DOS in 1991, then ported to Amiga in 1992. Several other versions were published later, including Macintosh, Sega CD, and SNES.
Year: 1991 Genre: Role Playing
dungeon crawler fantasy party-based rpg sword and sorcery turn-based rpgLure of the Temptress is a fantasy adventure game developed by Revolution Software and published by Virgin Interactive Entertainment in 1992. It was the debut game for Revolution S...
adventure fantasy freeware graphic adventure point and clickK240 is a space strategy game developed by Celestial Software and published exclusively for the Amiga by Gremlin Graphics in 1994. The game was designed by Graeme Ing, the author...
amiga original game business simulation city building isometric management science fiction sim city strategy