
Retro games, abandonware, freeware and classic games for PC and Mac


Best freeware games on GamesNostalgia - Page 3

Freeware games are completely and officially free.

Zork: The Great Underground Empire dos

Zork is one of the earliest interactive fiction/text-adventure and one of the most popular computer games ever created. It was developed initially in 1977–1979 for a DEC mainfram...

Year: 1982 Genre: Adventure

adventure fantasy freeware interactive fiction text adventure text parser text-only

Deluxe Pac AGA amiga

Deluxe PacMan is a Pac-Man clone/variant developed by Edgar M. Vigdal for Amiga and released in 1992. The file you can download from GamesNostalgia is the AGA version, emulator included.

Year: 1992 Genre: Arcade

aga amiga original game arcade clone freeware remake

Bio Menace dos

Bio Menace is an action platform game developed almost entirely by Jim Norwood and published by Apogee Software in 1993 for DOS only. It became freeware in 2005. The game utilizes ...

Year: 1993 Genre: Shooter

freeware mutants platform-shooter

4D Prince of Persia dos

4D Prince of Persia is an unofficial reworking of the original Prince of Persia game by Jordan Mechner. This remake was developed by Kirill A. Terebilov in 1994..

Year: 1994 Genre: Platformer

freeware middle east platformer puzzle platformer remake

DreamWeb dosamiga

DreamWeb is a cyberpunk adventure developed by Creative Reality and published by Empire Interactive in 1994. The game is drawing heavy influence from the 1986 fantasy-action film, Highlander.

Year: 1994 Genre: Adventure

adult adventure aga clicker cyberpunk freeware graphic adventure point and click scumm violence

Turrican 2002 windows

T2002 is a remake of Turrican, one of the most popular platformers released for the Commodore 64, Amiga and other platforms in 1990. The game features original graphics, sound, a...

Year: 2002 Genre: Shooter

enhanced remakes freeware platform-shooter platformer

TV Sports: Basketball amiga

TV Sports Basketball is the second game in the tv-style sports simulations series created by Cinemaware. The game was created for the Amiga and then ported to MS-DOS. Following the...

Year: 1990 Genre: Sports

amiga original game basketball freeware multiplayer sports

One Must Fall 2097 dos

One Must Fall: 2097 is a beat 'em up developed by Diversions Entertainment and published by Epic MegaGames in 1994. It is set in the future, where fighting between humans is outlawed.

Year: 1994 Genre: Brawler

battlemech brawler fighting freeware mecha science fiction versus

International Karate++ windows

International Karate Deluxe is a fantastic freeware remake of the never-released International Karate++. It was supposed to be the sequel of one of the most popular fighting games ...

Year: 1999 Genre: Brawler

brawler competitive fighting freeware martial arts remake versus

Center Court 2 amiga

Center Court 2 is a tennis game created for Amiga with an AGA chipset by Gernot Fritsche in 1996-1997 but released only in 2016. The game, written in Blitz BASIC, was supposed to b...

Year: 2016 Genre: Sports

aga amiga original game blitz basic freeware multiplayer sports tennis

Gods Deluxe windows

Gods Deluxe is a free remake of the famous platformer by Bitmap Brothers. The game, developed by Jotd, features improved graphics, full screen hi-res mode and a level editor. It in...

Year: 2015 Genre: Platformer

basher freeware hack and slash platformer remake

Xmas Lemmings 1992 amiga

Xmas Lemmings (aka Holiday Lemmings) is a 1992 special demo version of Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings. It features four entirely new Christmas-themed levels. Jingle Bells an...

Year: 1992 Genre: Puzzler

amiga original game christmas coverdisk freeware holidays puzzle strategy puzzler

Bruce Lee Remake windows

Bruce Lee Remake is a 2001 remake for PC of a martial arts multi-screen platformer initially released for the Commodore 64 in 1984.

Year: 2001 Genre: Brawler

brawler freeware martial arts remake

Jill Of The Jungle dos

Jill of the Jungle is an adventure platform game developed and published by Epic MegaGames in 1992 for MS-DOS. The title is the first part of a trilogy; the following year, the thr...

Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer

freeware jungle platformer shareware side-scrolling