American McGee's Alice is a third-person action-adventure developed by Rogue Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts in 2000. This entry is named after its renowned director...
3d action-adventure horror supernaturalMagic Carpet is a first-person 3D game, considered revolutionary at the time, in which you fly a magic carpet. The game was developed by Bullfrog Productions and released in 1994 f...
Year: 1994 Genre: Simulation
3d fantasy first-person flight sim simulationStunts (4D Sports Driving in Europe) is a first-person 3D racing game that was developed by Distinctive Software and published by Brøderbund in 1990. Brøderbund is not someone ne...
3d automobile polygons racing stunts vehicle simulatorTFX (Tactical Fighter Experiment) is a flight simulator developed by Digital Image Design and released in 1993 for MS-DOS. Initially, Ocean had planned to release an Amiga version in 1994.
Year: 1993 Genre: Simulation
3d aga combat flight simulation coverdisk flight sim military simulation vehicular combat simulator warFrontier: First Encounters is a space combat and trading sim created by David Braben with his company Frontier Developments. First Encounters is the third installment of the Elite...
Year: 1995 Genre: Simulation
3d combat flight simulation polygons simulation space combat sim space exploration space flight spaceship texture map tradingStunt Car Racer The New Tracks (or simply, TNT) is an Amiga reverse-engineered modification of Stunt Car Racer created by AmiGer. It was released in 2004. This unofficial update ...
2 players 3d first-person freeware multiplayer polygons racing reverse engineered track racingDoctor Who: The Gunpowder Plot is the last of the graphic adventures featuring the eleventh Doctor, portrayed by Matt Smith. The game was released for free by the BBC in October 2011.
3d adventure doctor who graphic adventure history science fictionHexen II Mission Pack: Portal of Praevus is an expansion pack of Hexen II developed by Raven Software and published by Activision in 1998 for Windows. Raven Software, the American ...
3d dark fantasy first-person fps medieval mission quake engine shooterDescent II is a first person shooter published in 1996. It's the sequel to Decent. The game was published by Interplay Productions and developed by Parallax Software. Originally in...
3d fps science fiction shooterMission 3: Ultimate Challenge is the third expansion of Spear of Destiny. It was released in 1994 by FormGen. Ultimate Challenge, which contains 21 new levels, is the sequel to Sp...
3d fps mission shooter wolfenstein 3d engine ww2Bioforge is an action adventure game set in a dark sci-fi atmosphere. Published and developed by Origin Systems, under the direction of Ken Demarest, the game set itself apart from other similar games on the market.
3d action-adventure adventure cyberpunk science fictionF29 Retaliator is a 3D flight combat sim created by Digital Image Design. It was originally for the Amiga and published by Ocean in 1990. It was released for the Amiga, Atari ST, and PC.
Year: 1989 Genre: Simulation
3d amiga original game combat flight simulation flight sim middle east military simulation vehicular combat simulatorAlien Breed 3D is the fourth game in the Alien Breed series and was developed by Team17. It was published by Team17 and Ocean in 1995 for the Amiga, both ECS and AGA models, including the Amiga CD32.
2 players 3d aga aliens amiga cd32 amiga original game fps science fiction shooter texture mapAmbermoon is the second game of the never-finished Amber trilogy created by the German studio Thalion and started with Amberstar. Designed by Karsten Köper and Erik Simon, the game was published in 1993.
Year: 1993 Genre: Role Playing
3d amiga original game fantasy first-person non-linear open world rpg texture map top-down wanderer