Fire & Ice: The daring adventures of Cool Coyote is a platformer created by Graftgold and published by Renegade Software in 1992. Initially released for the Amiga and Atari ST, lat...
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
2d amiga cd32 amiga original game jumper multi-directional platformerOperation Wolf is a rail-shooter arcade released by Taito in 1987. It was ported to many home platforms, including Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, MSX, Atari ST, Amiga, and more. Roy Ad...
2d coin-op conversion disaster first-person military rail shooterSuper Tetris is a puzzle game developed by Sphere and published by MicroProse in 1992 for the Amiga. It was later released for MS-DOS and Mac OS. The company founded by Sid Meier w...
2d arcade co-op competitive falling block puzzle flip-screen puzzler tetris variantFlimbo's Quest is a 2D platform developed by Euphoria and released by System 3 in 1990 for the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST, and Amstrad CPC. System 3, the British company founded...
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
2d c64 original game commodore 64 fantasy platform-shooter platformer side-scrolling wizards and witchesSoccer Kid is a platform game developed and published by Krisalis Software in 1993 for the Amiga. Years later, the adventure was ported to MS-DOS, PlayStation, and Super Nintendo Entertainment System, among others.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
2d aga amiga original game basher football multi-directional platformerJames Pond 3: Operation Starfish is a platformer created by Vectordean and released in 1993. Unlike the previous two games of the series, James Pond 3 was created for the Sega Gene...
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
2d aga genesis original game jumper platformerProphecy: Viking Child (aka Prophecy I: The Viking Child) is a fantasy platform game developed by Imagitec Design. It was published by GameTek in 1990, initially for the Amiga and Atari ST.
Year: 1990 Genre: Platformer
2d basher fantasy mythology norse platformerBatman: The Caped Crusader is a videogame inspired by the DC Comics comic book. It was created by Special FX initially for ZX Spectrum and also ported to Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Apple II, Atari ST, Commodore 64, and other platforms.
2d action-adventure comics licensed platformer side-scrolling zx spectrumCool Spot is a jump and run platformer created by Virgin Games originally for the Mega Drive/Genesis. It was then ported to Amiga, Master System, MS-DOS, SNES, and other systems. It was released in 1993.
Year: 1993 Genre: Platformer
2d genesis original game jumper licensed multi-directional platform-shooter platformer run and gunLethal Weapon is the video game adaptation of the popular film with Mel Gibson. The game was created by Ocean and published in 1992 for the Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS. Similarly to...
2d movies platform-shooter side-scrollingPutty is a 2D action platformer created by System 3 and produced by Mark Cale, known for The Last Ninja. It was published in 1992 for the Amiga. One year later it was ported to A...
Year: 1992 Genre: Platformer
2d amiga cd32 amiga original game jumper multi-directional platformer